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(But) in 96 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about but
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but in proverbs and wisdom
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The number of proverbs in
: 96
What are the proverbs in the word
Two mountains can never meet but two men can
two mountains can never meet but two men can
Jove but laughs at lovers’ perjury
jove but laughs at lovers’ perjury
Injuries may be forgiven but not forgotten
injuries may be forgiven but not forgotten
It is not work that kills but worry
it is not work that kills but worry
The buyer has need of a hundred eyes the seller of but one
the buyer has need of a hundred eyes the seller of but one
Christmas comes but once a year
christmas comes but once a year
The cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet
the cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet
Two is company but three is none
two is company but three is none
The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Wealth is not his who gets it but his who enjoys it
wealth is not his who gets it but his who enjoys it
Live not to eat but eat to live
live not to eat but eat to live
Slow but sure wins the race
slow but sure wins the race
Deeds are fruits words are but leaves
deeds are fruits words are but leaves
The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never jam today
jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never jam today
Near is my kirtle but nearer is my smock
near is my kirtle but nearer is my smock
What can you expect from a pig but a grunt
what can you expect from a pig but a grunt
Little thieves are hanged but great ones escape
little thieves are hanged but great ones escape
Nothing so bad but it might have been worse
nothing so bad but it might have been worse
Despise your purse but consider your person
despise your purse but consider your person
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