Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost

  • Proverbs and popular wisdom

    Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost

    Popular Proverbs Folklore


    كل امرئ يحافظ على نفسه وليأخذ الشيطان من يتأخر عن الركب

    Chacun se garde et laisse le diable prendre ceux qui sont à la traîne

    words in this proverb Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost

    Every in 76 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Man in 135 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    For in 116 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Himself in 20 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    And in 279 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    The in 729 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Devil in 34 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Take in 29 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Hindmost in 3 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about