Custom reconciles us to everything
A hedge between keeps friendship green
The best fish swim near the bottom
He that will to cupar maun to cupar
Fields have eyes and woods have ears
When the cat is away the mice will play
Too many sailors sink the ship
Every doubtful accusation leaves a stain behind it
A good tongue is a good weapon
A rolling stone gathers no moss
Those who hide can find
Fire is a good servant but a bad master
Four eyes see more than two
Give a man fortune and cast him into the sea
Every man is a king in his own house
January commits the fault and may bears the blame
Seek learning form the cradle to the grave
He that nothing questions nothing learns
There is nothing that costs less than civility
Half the world knows not how the other half lives
As you make your bed so you must lie upon it
Better a wise enemy than a foolish friend
My son is my son till he has got him a wife but my daughter is my daughter all the days of her life
Quickly come quickly go
He that defends an injury is next to him that commits it
Don’t build castles in the air
Pay beforehand was never well served
He that has done ill once will do it again
The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley