أنا و أنت و الزمن طويل
Toi et moi et le temps est long
Me and you and time is long
words in this proverb أنا و أنت و الزمن طويل
أنا in 4 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
أنت in 2 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
الزمن in 10 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
طويل in 6 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
letters in this proverb أنا و أنت و الزمن طويل
و in 579 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about